

The Buddies Flick the Web with Special Guest Andrea Rizzo

The Buddies go non-alcoholic as they welcome special guest and budding voice actress Andrea Rizzo, an old friend of S’mike’s and a part of his mysterious, illusive past!

Catchphrases are coined, copy is read and shocking things are revealed about S’mike*

Hear Dre’s voice reels at!


*Being completely boring technically counts as shocking nowadays. We’re just saying.

Logans in Space

The Telltale Hole

The Buddies drink an Ouzon soda-based cocktail while recounting To-Do list adventures, the ignorance of neighborhood kids and how to properly punch someone’s face off if you are Wolverine.

Plus: Miyazaki’s films vs Disney films! The rise and fall of Ben Stiller! And inordinate fears of subscribing to HBO!

Not to mention commmmmmmedy!

Crocodile Mike-dee

Crocodile Mike-dee

G’day, mates! In this rousing episode, the Buddies drink a kombucha concoction as Mike recounts his bizarre emergency two-week trip down under to Australia, complete with ridiculous stories from the natives, goofy observations and a plethora of bad luck.

Plus: The confusion of walking on the left side! The taste of kangaroo flesh! Drunken Australianisms!

Flatlined Buddies

Steamy Flatlining

Movies! Fueled by a fancified version of an Old Dutchman, the Buddies talk about movies galore! Alien Covenant, which is (slightly) better than Prometheus. Guardians of the Galaxy 2, without spoilers!

And most talked-about, the 1990 Joel Schumacher film Flatliners. Complete with steam, billowing plastic and crazily-moving lights… And Kevin Bacon’s hair.

And the Buddies perform a public service, warning about the dangers of turning “Flatliners” into a drinking game.

Plus: Poignant car buying stories!  Mantis puns! Joel Schumacher orgasm impressions!

The Great Debate

The Great Debate

What is the best medium for storytelling? Movies? Video games? TV? Or something older and more… analog?

The Buddies debate this ultimate of questions as they sip on their brand-spanking-new drink, the “Blemony Snicket.”

Also discussed: The (horrible) Assassin’s Creed movie! The revelatory experience of playing Horizon: Zero Dawn! Oh, and Alien Covenant, too…

BIS Landfill

Down In the Dumps

The Buddies recover from some truly horrible weekends while nursing homemade hot toddys.

Having FINALLY seen Rogue One, S’mike shares his opinions on the Star Wars film, which surprisingly aren’t all bad!

Mike then launches his epic story of the stupid thing he did at a wedding days before, and the shocking fallout that came after.

Also: Surprise cheer-up gifts! Ninja coughing fits! And a Special Guest Appearance by deep-voiced S’nike Snith!

Jesus chip

Powdered Jesus On a Chip

The Buddies (well, S’mike, specifically) birth an outstanding new drink, the “Dead Rodent.” “Dr. Strange” gets further critiqued, and then the Buddies go down a deep, deep hole about Mike Birbiglia’s outstanding film “Don’t Think Twice.”

Long story short, a comedy about an improv troupe fucked Mike up but good!

Also: Dissecting the New York City improv scene! Chinese powdered Jesus! Comedic comedy!


Buddies In Space with Special Guest, Artist and Phone Maven Mel Henderson, aka Liquor Lafera

The Buddies are joined by a fascinating guest, Mike’s coworker Mel Henderson. Extra strength Caiparoskas are sipped, tattoos are revealed, and the south gets talked ’bout. A LOT.

Also: Hyena laughs! Orgy wish lists! Ultra-violent anime!

And of course, comedy.


The Buddies Get Deep with Special Guest Joshua Lippincott

Battling a ghost in the machine, the Buddies are joined by special guest and fellow board game geek Joshua Lippincott. Drinks are shared, pizza is ordered, and then things get really, really deep. This, THIS, is the danger of having Josh Lippincott on your podcast!

Also: The moral correctness of dick pics in the modern age! Diagnostic troubleshooting in everyday life! Millennials!

Annnnd humor…


Justice Buddies

Of Gins and Justice Leagues

The Buddies sip on classic Hendrick’s Gin and Tonics while S’mike recounts an honest-to-goodness moving, poignant story about his father and Vietnam.

I know, right?!

Also, Mike shits all over the new Justice League trailer! Explosive (headache) throbbing in Charleston! Haunted hotels and mysssssssterious impulsssse purchasesssssss, ooooooooooh.