
S’Mike’s Greatest Fear Is Realized

In this special episode of Buddies In Space, Mike lays a clever trap for a mentally exhausted S’Mike, forcing him to come face-to-face with his greatest fear- getting cubed!

Cut to that scene in the first Resident Evil movie, or the opening of Cube. Gross, right?

Actually, Mike’s wife joins the Buddies on the podcast for the first time ever to give S’mike an ancient personal assessment. What you learn will maybe shock you a little if you don’t know S’mike very well.

Also- Whiplash, and Captain America: Civil War get reviewed, Mike’s Loot Crate addiction is explored and the Buddies dance around an infamous and divisive e-mail thread.

Digital suspense!

3 thoughts on “S’Mike’s Greatest Fear Is Realized

  1. colin

    if super hero movies are anything like horror movies in the 80’s when they became really mainstream and made lots of profit you can expect some bad stuff as a result.

    after they have their day in the sun there will be a lot of straight to video sequels, and pointless remakes to get some nostalgia cash.

    once a geeky category starts making serious cash it will become more difficult to find quality among the mass quantity of releases.

    stu and i have made peace with our beloved horror movies you must make peace with your super hero movies.

  2. jzilla77

    Started this Provcast in the car…got to the point where M-Ichael provided the disclaimer about not listening ahead, else cheat…reluctantly pressed stop. Finally had time to sit down and take this test! I sent the details to Erica, but here they are for the world to see:

    Describe Desert:

    Golden colored sand
    Wavy Wind Ripples in the sand
    Sand Dunes along the horizon
    Bright cruel sun in the sky

    Describe Cube:

    Dark, reflective iron cube
    Size of small house
    Floating and slowly spinning on no perceivable axis
    Hallow Inside
    100-200 Feet away from me
    Floating 10 feet above ground


    Lying on the ground Directly below the cube
    50-60 rungs


    Brown with white stripe nose and while patch on chest
    Just standing to the right of the cube
    Waving tail and not particularly interested in anything
    No saddle or bridle


    Rainstorm approaching from behind cube relative to my position
    Black, curling clouds with white flashes periodically from inside the front
    Nothing in picture affected


    Round patch of Sunflowers to the right of the horse
    Among a copse of green grass
    There’s like 10 of them


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